

Newborns, Children, Family Portraits, Maternity & Pet Photography - Boise, Idaho
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Children Photography | Boise

Children are a special gift. Each unique and each one presenting their own special combinations of character and challenges, they are beginning to show you, just who they will be when they “grow up”.

One day a firefighter, a super hero the next. A ballerina, a princess, then playing with worms in the dirt. Every child discovers a little bit of themselves, everyday.

As parents, we get busier and busier keeping up with the demands of being mom, dad, husband, wife, co-worker, boss, friend and every other hat we try to fill everyday. Our babies are growing up before our eyes! And the biggest challenge… living “in the moment”, not just being present, and trying not to miss out of the joy children bring, amongst the everyday hustle and bustle!!

Unlike the precious newborn baby, the sweet infant and the adorable toddler, who have a camera in their face a good portion of the time. Growing kids, pre-teens, tweens and teens, tend to get a little “left out” of the photography cycle.

They’ve accomplished a lot of their “physical” milestones… They can be long and lanky or their mouths may show off where the tooth fairy’s claimed her treasures, they might be slightly awkward and more than a little goofy. But like the song’s tell you… One day… you’re gonna miss this.

School age kids are under-estimated and sometimes under-appreciated for the impact they make in our lives. Every child is a marvel and they have so much to share!

With every joy, and every struggle, comes a story. Your story, their story. Don’t forget to document this part of life with pictures to tell their story!

Well done portraits and photos are amazing self esteem builders and have been known to increase a child’s sense of self-worth when displayed proudly in the home.

Let your child know how important that they are to you, and to your family history with photographs.

Cherished Images will help children feel natural and relaxed, no matter the “stage” they’re going through. We know how to pull out the “REAL” smile from your kiddo, even when they get to that uncooperative, or even worse, cheesy phase… Cherished Images will get portraits that will be treasured for years to come.

With one of the most experienced and best child photographers in Boise, come see why we have specialized in children’s portraits since 1999.  Call 208-331-2288 for your appointment now.

Click HERE to see more images of kids with their brothers & sisters… sibling portraits are the best!

There's no time like the present! Don't miss anymore opportunities! To begin documenting YOUR personal story through art and let us know how we can serve you best, call us at 208.331.2288