

Newborns, Children, Family Portraits, Maternity & Pet Photography - Boise, Idaho
Kindness and Joy are also contagious

The Only Thing Certain in Life...

Well, besides “death and taxes”, of course… is CHANGE!

And we are experiencing that on a daily basis in this crazy world we’re living in!

There’s no “doom and gloom” to be found in this post, nor is it all rainbows, sparkles, and unicorns… however we are always on the lookout for unicorns, or at least a good ‘out of the box’ perspective and some whimsical fun! (Especially when reality hits the fan!)

And even more than that, we’re ALWAYS happy to see the rainbow after a rainstorm! As we do truly believe that life is all about perception and what you choose to set your mind on.


Towards the bottom of this very longwinded post is where you can find what we’re doing to help in the meantime!


Sure, we could choose to get caught up in the frenzy, the negative social media, or the panic that has stricken a better part of our modern world… but when you choose to surround yourself with positive messages, encouragement and hope, your overall outlook PAST the current events, can give you a reason to keep on- keeping on!

- Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you can’t help but be inundated with news about Coronavirus (COVID-19) that is turning people into varying degrees of house-bound, germophobic, toilet paper hoarders… and even those of us who aren’t specifically prone to worry and anxiety, have limits that are being tested!

- Children home from school begging to go play with their friends, hands so cracked and dry from extra sanitizing and scrubbing, almost completely bare shelves at many local grocery stores, and “out of stock” labels where the price should be on necessities from online retailers.

It seems like the entire world has lost their minds in some fashion or another, and boy oh boy, do we get it!!


While much of what I say is, “tongue in cheek”, it is not to undermine the serious nature of those being affected by this, as we realize there are MANY of us that are experiencing MAJOR challenges with health, isolation, economic worries, amongst other trickle effects that none of us are immune from. We feel it too!

  • Saint Patrick’s Day was Azaiah’s 11th Birthday and trying to explain to an 11 year old why her friends can’t come over, and why we have to postpone her birthday party to an unknown later date… watching the look on her face… ugh.
  • I had plans to go visit my sister down in San Diego over spring break, and just like SO many of you- CANCELED…
  • My dad called me yesterday, on the verge of tears, as he lives in an assisted living facility and not only are they not accepting visitors, but they are having to eat in their rooms… ALONE… not the kind of social isolation anyone looks forward to, especially when social interactions at mealtimes are the highlight of their day!
  • Parking spaces downtown are a plenty, as some restaurants and businesses are completely closed… bills from payroll, rent, and other overhead expenses just keep pouring in with no foot traffic or cashflow to offset the downtime… ugh.
  • And Disney… Disney “Everything” is CLOSED?! (If you know me- this is a B-I-G Deal!!) Just kidding- kinda.


Change- it’s hard!


The number of emails that we’ve been receiving on the COVID-19 virus has caused me only to postpone writing this note, as I was almost hesitant to reach out about a subject that most of us are sick of hearing about, yet we have no choice but to listen up and pay attention, as social distancing to help slow the spread only works when everyone participates, there are important matters at hand.


It's undeniable, the world as we know it, has changed.


I avoid social media, almost like the plague, as it tends to be a breeding ground for rumors and negativity, and I’m not sure about you, but I only have so much time and energy and prefer to spend it on the most important things.

Facts, Family, Fun, and of course, meeting the needs of our loyal clients, many of whom fit into my “FAMILY” category, as my 20 year career in the memory-making business has indeed created a whole lineage of extended “brothers and sisters” whom I love so dearly!


Here at The 8th Street Studio we’ve been spending the last several weeks brainstorming how we can best serve some of our favorite friends and family members, helping to assist them through one of the most turbulent times of change that most of us have experienced.


We want to let you know, first and foremost… we’re HERE for you!! And we’re listening to YOU!

At our clean, low-volume portrait studio, our phone lines, inboxes, and (at least currently) our doors, are OPEN to receive your thoughts, concerns, and even just a listening ear if you need it.  As of now, we are very thankfully, healthy and ready to help!

You will find our empathy pouring out to you as we navigate these changing and uncertain times, as we too, are dealing with the same change.

One thing that can either divide or strengthen and build a community is how we handle any given situation, especially one that no one has control over.  We would like to spread a message of CONNECTION, LOVE, and HOPE out to all of those that this pandemic is affecting.

I have been encouraged to see many people band together, words of kindness spread abundantly, and thoughts of a brighter tomorrow, to help compensate for some of the negative news and fear of the future.

We may not know what tomorrow holds, but we do know WHO holds the future, and when you have this assurance, a peace that passes all understanding can be yours as well. If you don’t know what I’m referring to, please feel free to ask me.

In the meantime, I would like to personally assure you of the extra precautionary measures we are taking here at The 8th Street Studio to make sure you’re taken care of, not only for the present moment, but well into the future.

  • We are a low-volume boutique photography studio with only a few staff members who are very aware of what it takes to maintain a clean, disinfected environment, taking every precaution necessary to ensure you and your family members have a safe visit.


  • The risk for catching/spreading COVID-19 here in Boise remains relatively low. Most closures and shortages are due to an overabundance of caution, which is a good thing! However, it does need to be stated, yet again, that thankfully, the actual risk remains quite low.


  • Change happens, time flies, and life is precious! What a better way to remind us of the importance of capturing memories of our loved ones, than right now?!

We, like many small “mom and pop” shops feel the direct impact of crazy times like these, even a little more than most, as we don’t have a giant storehouse built up to pull from when we look to pay our mortgages and feed our families. As bills and overhead continue to arrive daily, your support is both appreciated and a true gift that I have mounds of gratitude for.

Supporting local businesses during these trying times is vital. What this looks like will mean different things to different people, but I for one will be trying to patronize local restaurants with to-go orders, shopping online local shops and stores whenever possible, and certainly praying for anyone who asks, as that’s the very best I have to offer right now.

When we band together, we can move mountains. Let’s take time to celebrate little victories along the way, cheer each other on and raise awareness for not only cleanliness and hygiene practices, but common courtesy and ‘pay it forward’ practices as well.


Here’s what we at The 8th Street Studio are doing to help you during these trying times.


  • Gift Certificates for future photography sessions are available and will include a bonus of 25%. We are also committing to spend 10% off any new gift certificate sales from now until the end of April to buying gift cards from other local businesses/restaurants and will be giving those away to those in need.  Perfect time to start thinking about Mother's Day Gifts! ;)


  • Since many of us can’t physically be with friends or family members, and inboxes seem to be flooded with chaos, we are offering the idea of sending out personalized notecards to send someone a SMILE using the good ‘ole USPS. How awesome will they feel when they get a handwritten note from you instead of a bill?! We have a special offer on custom designed photo notecards which you can feature any image that we’ve taken of your family or child throughout the years.


  • Many people have children out of school on extended spring breaks, time off of work and vacation plans that had to be postponed.  If you have some extra time on your hands, your kids are bored, and you’re needing a little social interaction… kill two birds with one stone… we are here, open, and booking sessions for groups of up to 8 people.


  • If you have an office you would like to have photographed, an extended family group, or members of your family in the higher risk category, we have ways that we can photograph each person individually and composite them together to make an incredible group portrait! Ask us how we can help you maximize the extra time you may have found yourself with!


  • Any generational portrait session booked from now through the month of April will be completely COMPLIMENTARY! That’s right, if your photo session has 3 generations or more included in it, you will get a Short and Sweet Studio Session ($150 value) at no charge. Need us to come to you? Location session upgrades will be available- let’s chat.


  • Want to look back through an old session that maybe you didn’t view or order from? File search fees will be temporarily waived through the month of April. This is a great chance to go back and get an extra copy of your favorite image to send to someone letting them know they’re cared for.


  • Last minute 2020 senior session? For a limited time CsiPhotoDesign will be offering complimentary Short and Sweet Sessions to make sure you’re taken care of!


  • Are you a local business owner with brick and mortar storefront? If so, you’ll want to make sure to read our current blog article as our way of giving back. Being a firm believer in being Difference Makers, we are, for a limited time, offering COMPLIMENTARY commercial photography sessions for certain qualifying businesses. Check it out or pass this info on to someone you know!

We're here for you! We “get it”.


Don’t let time steal anymore precious moments- Let us help you find the fun, and create memories, even to spite the current global situation.


Virtual Hugs to all- with love

Kelly Zimmerman

Cherished Images at The 8th Street Studio








Kelly Zimmerman

There's no time like the present! Don't miss anymore opportunities! To begin documenting YOUR personal story through art and let us know how we can serve you best, call us at 208.331.2288